Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7th Wedding Anniversary

It really is mind boggling how quick time passes us by. It seems like only yesterday Landon and I were taking our first steps as a newly married couple. Moving in together for the first time. Buying things for the home we both liked. Staying up late. Laughing a lot. Taking new jobs and venturing down new career paths. Defining who we were as a couple and establishing what we wanted to be about. Now, we are fully fledged into marriage. Raising two adorable little girls whose decibel levels are ever increasing. Sustaining a curious little dog whose decibel levels are also on the higher end of the scale which has lead us to invest in a bark collar. Don't worry we haven't tried it on the girls! However, Halina did wonder how it would look on her baby sister. She was quickly reprimanded and now knows the severity of her fashion choices for her little sis. Nevertheless our life together is loud, chaotic and exhilarating as ever! We are grateful to God for our own little family as well as so many great extended family members and friends. We are also grateful for a loving Church family and for the organizations and clubs we belong to. All of which keeps our marriage thriving. Here's to another exciting year!

For our usual Anniversary night out we went tot dinner at Tommy's and then saw the movie Inception. I did not like the ending by the way! We had a nice relaxing and distraction free evening. The girls had a wonderful time at the "Fun Girls Club" too. Landon's sister Kris kept the girls for the evening with the help of her two teenage daughters that my girls idolize.

Seriously, honey? No texting during our Anniversary dinner! However, it was work related and only happened once.


Natalie said...

Happy #7!

Jaime said...

Fun blog post Stef! Can't believe it's really been 7 years! :)