Saturday, August 14, 2010

Making Attempts at Blogging Again : Highlights Since My Last Posting

Since my laptop started having problems and with Landon working from home (which means he is on our desktop all day long) it has been difficult to keep up with blogging. However, even with two busy little girls and a growing calendar of events I am going to make an attempt at blogging consistently again. We will see how it goes!

Here are some highlights since my last post:

Elise turned ONE!!!
Visalia Triathalon. Landon did great, but was hit by an oncoming bicyclist. Ouch!Landon and I finished out first half marathon. Loved it and can't wait to do our next one in November.
My neighbor Marie had her little boy on May 19. We are so happy for her and her family!
Landon's cousin got married in June. Allison was a stunning bride!
Father's Day! The Brokaw Family broke away from New China this year and tried a new Chinese restaurant. We are quite adventurous!
My friend Jaimee and her family dedicated their youngest daughter to Jesus! I was so glad to be there to witness it.
We went to WA for my Dad's 60th Birthday. We ran a 5k as a family, as well as celebrated his birthday with fireworks (it was the 4th!) and many friends from the neighborhood.
Jaime Balmer's (soon to be Greene) Bachelorette weekend! I traveled to San Francisco for the celebration. It was my first time being away from my precious baby girls. I missed my family, but had so much fun with all the ladies exploring SF and Wine Country.

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