Friday, November 6, 2009

Crawling and Standing, Oh My!

This morning after Elise's first nap I found her standing up in her crib! This was the first time ever! The crib is still at its highest setting, so it gave me quite a scare. Elise is very top heavy, so my initial concern was her falling out easily. We will definitely be lowering it before her afternoon nap today.

For about three or four weeks now Elise has been crawling about two rotations at a time. As of yesterday she has been moving across rooms with ease. Most of the time she scoots her legs out to the side as she crawls. Seems like she can get to her point of interest faster when she does that. Her little world has greatly expanded in the last two days. I am gearing up for this next stage of baby adventures. I'm sure it will be full of adrenaline and thrills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my!!! CJ isn't crawling yet...just army scootching, and no pulling up either. Seems my baby is independent and a bit lazy. Although I don't mind, I'm enjoying the baby moments....they'll soon be gone!