Friday, October 15, 2010

Halina's Birthday Dinner with Family!

The last and final celebration of Halina's 4th Birthday was with family. Halina planned the menu: Turkey Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Garlic Bread, and I threw in a mixed Salad. I always think it is so funny that Halina loves meat loaf so much. I never have a problem getting her to eat it even if it is filled with vegetables. All in all, Halina had a wonderful week of Birthday celebrations. On her actual Birthday she had a special pancake breakfast with her immediate family, then the following weekend had lunch with friends and then the following week had dinner with extended family. She received so many great gifts and felt very loved by all the birthday wishes!

I threw these photos in because I wanted to document Landon doing the dishes. Yes, he does clean the dishes and sometimes even Halina helps. I am a blessed Wife and Mommy!

Three of the silly Martins. Not sure what Tony is doing...

I tried to convince Halina to get an ice cream cake from Cold Stone or a specialty cake from a local bakery, but all she wanted was to pick one out from Costco. She even picked the exact same one as last year. When the girl has her mind up there is no since in trying to change. She did, however, save us a little money by going with a Costco cake, but there was so much leftover!

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