Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Morning Sickness (All Day Sickness) Has Begun!

Ughh! The infamous "all-day nausea" had finally started early Sunday morning. I was really hoping this time around I wouldn't get sick... ha ha! At this point I'm just craving citrus and salty foods. A good ol Ginger ale seems to really put the nausea at ease for a little bit too. Last time the nausea and throwing up lasted about eight weeks. So far no throwing up, but I feel like I really need to. I'm going to get some pregnancy pops (nausea suckers) next time I'm at the store. Those seem to help me last time around also.

Any suggestions for coping with nausea?


Natalie said...

That's crappy! Take naps when Halina does. I took naps every time Wes did (since I was tired anyway) and that helped me not to feel as sick this time around.

ZFam said...

oh man! I'm so sorry you're sick! I definitely don't have a cure-all for you...but, I've heard lemon drops (or lemon candy of some sort) has helped some people. Maybe Natalie called it right...just sleep through the next 8 weeks and hope you don't remember it!=)

KateM said...
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