While I was busy with housework, I became a little concerned when I realized the house had been too quiet for too long. I called for the girls, but there was no answer. I checked in their bedrooms, but they weren't there. I hadn't heard any of the outgoing doors open. I called again, but still no answer. Finally, I went into the Master bedroom thinking they were probably in the closet playing. As I entered the room I saw the tv was on and they were snuggled in our bed! I couldn't believe they didn't answer me. Those little turkey's! They must have been so cozy and mesmerized by the tv they didn't hear me. I couldn't believe Charlie didn't even respond either.
They were so cute and unusually quiet I had to take a picture for the memory.

Tule Fog Run. First race of the year! It was a beautiful foggy morning in the valley and nice and cool. Perfect weather for racing if you ask me. The event had a huge turnout! Almost five hundred participants, which was a large increase since there was only about 80 last year. I wonder what next year will be like? I wasn't sure how I was going to do. I'd been out of town all week and my sleep was still deprived. I started out strong, but had to cut around a lot of walkers and slow joggers. I never thought I would need to start near the front. I've never been a very fast runner. I felt a little sluggish, but was able to keep a 7:55 avg and finished strong. I was 1st in my age group, 10th overall woman and 36th overall 5k runners. Total time 24:36. I was very happy with my results and look forward to going for my next 5k PR!
Ladies Night Out. For months, no, I think years, a few of us gals have been trying to get together for dinner and a movie. Between husbands work schedules and sick little ones it was difficult to nail down a date, but we finally did! We didn't get to go to a movie, but had a wonderful time at Fugazzi's (Italian Bistro). The time flew by! We had so much to talk about. It seemed like we hardly got to hang out, however it certainly left us wanting to do it again soon. We haven't been able to get together again yet, but it's not because we haven't tried.